Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spinach, Mushroom and Leek Frittata

Spring has sprung in Maryland.  I absolutely adore this time of open, fresh breezes, birds chirping, bright blue sky and picture perfect temperatures.  This year something else came into my life when winter turned to spring....allergies.  Ugh is all I have to say.  No excuses but we are going to blame allergies on the lack of blog posts over the last week.  It seems like they are under control and I am back tempting your palate with some great recipes.

I have the wonderful benefit of lunch be provided at my job and it is delicious.  I started about two months ago and a few pounds have crept on my small frame since January...GULP!  If you know me, you are probably letting out a big sigh and thinking that I have nothing to worry about, but I do.  Three pounds turns to five, five pounds turns to ten and then all of the sudden I am the size of a linebacker (ok...not possible but still).  It is time to put down the the filet and crab cake (perk of working at a banquet facility) and time to start bringing lunch.  We have a trip planned for the Caribbean at the end of June so this is great motivation.  I don't believe in diets because they don't work.  If anything they are temporary.  I do believe in eating the foods you love in moderation.  I absolutely love chips and I eat them every day but I only have a handful and it helps that I don't eat dessert.  We have to make choices every day to stay in balance and I chose to keep my meals in check so I can have my daily handful.

My hope is that with a simple lunch fix, I will be back to my fighting weight in a week or two.  That being said, I have decided to make a frittata this week for lunch.  It is loaded with yummy veggies (leeks make another appearance), tasty gruyere cheese and eggs.  It is an easy dish that you can constantly reinvent with your favorite ingredients or a great meal choice if you are trying to clean out the fridge.  It's as simple as sauteing your veggies, beating eight eggs, combining the two and baking for 25 minutes.  You can make frittata's as healthy or sinful as you would like but for the most part they tend to stay on the healthy side.


2     tablespoons olive oil
2     garlic cloves, minced
1     package of frozen spinach, thawed and access water removed
1     package of mushrooms (used baby bellas)
2     small leeks, cleaned and sliced
1     teaspoons of dried oregano
1/4  cup of white wine
8     large eggs
1/2  cup of milk
8     ounces of gruyere cheese, shredded

Place an oven rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 425.

Heat olive oil in sauté pan on medium heat.  Add garlic, cook for two minutes.  Add leeks, spinach and mushrooms and cook for additional 3 minutes.  Add white wine and a few shakes of salt and pepper.

In a separate, mix eggs and milk.  Shred cheese and add half to egg mixture.  In a lightly buttered (or sprayed) pie pan add veggies and top with egg/cheese mixture.  Stir to incorporate all ingredients.  Sprinkle remaining cheese.  Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until set and golden brown.

Since this will be my lunch for the week, I cut in wedges and store in individual plastic bags and serve with mixed greens.  Bon Appetit!

Two Garlic Cloves - Use the side of your knife and smash cloves to easily remove peel 
Mince Garlic 
Cleaned Leeks - remove dark green leaves 
Halve Leeks and Slice
Baby Bella Mushrooms Sliced (I bought mine pre sliced in a package)
Saute Garlic, Leeks and Mushrooms
Stir in Spinach, White Wine and Salt and Pepper to Taste
Grated Cheese...YUMM!!!  
8 Eggs and Milk
Mix and add Cheese
Combine Veggies and Egg Mixture in Pie Pan (be sure to butter or spray before)
Sprinkle remaining Cheese
Bake on 425 for 20 to 25 minutes

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