Monday, June 4, 2012

Summertime Recipes - Tomatoes are BACK!

It seems like I have taken a month or two hiatus without even knowing it.  I have continued to cook and take pictures but other things kept getting in the way of sitting down and posting.  A few fun things to fill you in on since I have been April I got to meet my idol Giada de Laurentiis and my husband and I purchased a house which we are closing on in a few weeks.  It seems that when my schedule seems out of control that my time in the kitchen calms me.  It is my form of meditation.

Meeting Giada
As we make our way into summer the concept of Seasonally Simple makes even more sense.  Farmers Markets are popping up all over town and many fruits and vegetables are coming back in season.  I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my favorite summertime treat - TOMATOES.  They are slowly starting to show their true colors and are bursting with flavor.  I am sure we still have a few weeks to go until they are truly perfect but my patience has worn thin.  Today's post is all about tomatoes.  First up, a simple summertime salad that I made as a side dish for last nights dinner and the second is a go to pasta recipe.  Both dishes are simple and can be made in a matter of minutes.

Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Grilled Corn & Avocado
Serves 4-6

1 container of assorted small tomatoes, cut in half
1 container of bocconcini (mozzarella), cut in half
3 ears of corn, grilled and corn cut off the cob (frozen or canned corn is also an option)
2 avocados, cubed
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Zest and Juice from a small lemon
2 tablespoons of basil, chopped
1 tablespoon of parsley, chopped
salt and pepper

Combine tomatoes, mozzarella, corn and avocado.  Add olive oil, lemon zest, lemon juice, basil, parsley and salt and pepper to taste.

Perfect summer salad

Spaghetti with Tomatoes and Egg
Serves 2

Half package of whole wheat spaghetti
1 garlic clove, minced
1 cup of small tomatoes, cut in half
2 eggs

Grated parmesan cheese
Dried parsley (or fresh)
Red Pepper Flakes

Bring a medium pot of water to a boil.  Add a tablespoon of salt once the water comes to a boil.  Add the pasta and cook until tender (7-9 minutes).  Drain the pasta.

In a small nonstick pan, heat the oil over medium heat.  Add the garlic and cook until translucent (2-3 minutes).  Add tomatoes and season with salt and pepper.  Cook until soft and transfer to a bowl.  In the same pan, crack two eggs and cook to desired doneness.  I prefer my yolks to be very runny and cook for no more then 3-4 minutes.

Serve pasta in individual bowls and top with tomatoes and one egg.  Garnish and season.

Final product...BON APPETIT!
Boil pasta in salted water
Saute garlic for 2-3 minutes until translucent  
Add tomatoes and cook until soft
Transfer garlic/tomato mixture to a bowl
Cook two eggs in same pan to desired doneness
Combine pasta, tomatoes and egg and garnish
Once the egg yolk is broken it creates a smooth creamy sauce