Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quick & Easy Spaghetti and Clam Sauce

First and foremost, I am sorry for the lack of posts over the last few weeks.  I have quite a few recipes that I have taken pictures of that I will post over the next few days.  Once I am done posting these recipes/photos I will get start posting recipes from my latest and greatest "lifestyle diet" - Paleo.  My best friend and I decided to embark on a 30 day Paleo Challenge (no sugar, no alcohol, no dairy, no starch).  It has been a lot of fun coming up with recipes that only include protein, veggies and healthy fats.  Anyway, more to come on this new adventure and we will just have to see how long this phase will last.  

On to today's post...

Up until I went to college I was extremely picky and had very little interest in food.  My poor parents had to rotate through the same menu every week because all I seemed to eat was chicken, rice, pasta, cheese and butter.  Those were our staples and sometimes they were able to sneak in other dishes but for the most part it was as boring as spaghetti with butter and cheese.  One of the out of the ordinary dinners that I liked "ok" was a recipe that my Dad has been making for nearly 40 years is Spaghetti and Clam Sauce.  It truly is the most simple dinner that can be thrown together in minutes that I have grown to LOVE and eat at least once a week.  It is always a special treat when I go out to eat and they have the real deal with actual clams or I have the time at home to make with real clams (not canned).  I have made a few changes to the recipe over time but for the most part it has stayed true to my Dad's original recipe (which I believe he took from a college friend).  My favorite thing in the world is to cook dinner every night and I try to constantly change things up (maybe it is from eating the same 5 dinners over and over and over as a child) and at times these dinners can take up to an hour to make.  Every now and again, I want a quick and easy go to meal that will have dinner on the table in as long as it takes to cook pasta.  This meal always makes me think of my Dad who I still think makes a much better Spaghetti and Clam Sauce then I could ever dream to make.  Enjoy this recipe and share your quick and easy weeknight recipe.

Spaghetti and Clam Sauce
Serves 2

1/2 Package of Spaghetti (I like whole wheat but you can also use regular)
2 Tablespoon of Olive Oil
2-3 Garlic Cloves (depends on how much you like garlic - I use 3)
1/2 Tablespoon of Dried Oregano
1/2 Teaspoon of Red Pepper Flakes (if you like it spicy)
1 Can of Clams 
1/8 Cup of Pasta Water (before you strain your pasta grab a mug full of the water from the pot)
Salt and Pepper to Taste

Bring water to a boil and salt.  Add spaghetti and cook to desired doneness (read box for instructions).  Meanwhile in a small sauce pan add olive oil and heat for 2-3 minutes (do not let smoke) on med-low heat.  Add garlic and cook until translucent and soft (do not let burn).  Add dried oregano and red pepper flakes.  Add clams and clam juice (from can).  Add pasta water (only if you want your sauce more soupy).  Drain pasta and place in pasta bowl and top with clam sauce.  It's as easy as that.  

Mince Garlic
Add Garlic, Dried Oregano and Red Pepper Flakes to Olive Oil
The BEST canned clams!!!
Add Clams and Pasta Water to Olive Oil/Garlic Mixture
And there you have it...I always like to top with some grated cheese (parmesan or whatever else is on hand)
Bon Appetit!